My daughter is doing it. My sister is doing it. Yes, my mother TOLD me not to always follow the leader when "everyone else" is doing something. But I guess I need more ways to waste hours on the Internet. And here it is: Kim's County Line!
It's a big deal to think of a name for a blog. I have always been somewhat challenged in committing to big decisions like this. My sister (who has a blog - Bauer Banter at www.llbauer.blogspot.com) never shared that difficulty. When we were young 4-Hers searching for fabric for our fair sewing projects, Lisa would go into the store, make a quick circuit of her options, then choose. I, on the other hand, would stand paralyzed - afraid to make the "wrong" decision. That's what first-born perfectionism will do for you!
When I was a fifth grader, my family took a trip to California during Christmas vacation. While shopping at Fisherman's Wharf (I think!), my parents let us choose stationery of our very own. I still remember agonizing over two possibilities. I chose "A whim from Kim." Until that stationery was all used up, I kept second-guessing myself thinking I should have chosen Kim's Comments.
But ... I digress! Why Kim's County Line? First of all, I live on the Stafford/Reno County line in Kansas. (Usually, it means that neither county wants to grade our road, but that's another post, I guess!) This blog will certainly have stories from my life on this country road and as a farm wife.
When considering this name, I looked up "line" in the dictionary. And County Line seemed even more appropriate when I looked at the myriad of definitions:
**A horizontal row of written or printed characters;
**A course of conduct, action or thought;
**A field of activity or interest;
**A succession of musical notes, especially considered in melodic phrases (I do love my music!);
**A glib, often persuasive, way of talking (probably not so much);
**The words making up a part in a drama (there ARE some dramatic moments around here on occasion).
You get the idea. (You would really be surprised at how many definitions for LINE there are. I challenge you to pull out your Webster's dictionary!)
ANYWAY, I hope you'll join me on occasion as we travel down the County Line I call home. I hope you'll come along on the journey! (My daughter Jill's journey is fun, too: Check out her blog at www.ladditude.blogspot.com).