Monday, December 26, 2011


There is beauty in leftovers. The cook is tired. But there's still stuff in the fridge to make a good meal.

Well, this cook is tired. Anybody else? Even as a child, I remember feeling that letdown when the Christmas presents were unwrapped and the grandmas and grandpas went home. It doesn't have a thing to do with what was or wasn't under the Christmas tree.

Even though we still have one more Christmas celebration in our future, the gifts are wrapped. The holiday treats are finished. And the go-go-go chant in my head and heart have quieted a bit.

So I think I'll "chill" today (or chill as much as this Type A "do-er" can chill). Thankfully, I have a few appropriate "leftovers" from last week's winter storm.

See? There is beauty in leftovers.

December 21, 2011

Looking for a way to use your holiday leftovers today? Try this Pepperidge Farm Chicken (or turkey) Casserole.

And Brent has requested Plantation Turkey & Ham Casserole sometime while he is home for the holidays. It's another favorite and it uses up two different holiday leftover meats.

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