Thursday, December 4, 2014

Outtakes for Christmas?

The photo Christmas card is a tradition at our house. Actually, it's part of a much longer tradition. My parents have been sending photo Christmas cards since I was the first star of the show back in 1957. However, by the time 1958 rolled around, I was already sharing space with my sister, Lisa, on the annual missive from Bob and Janis.

It was only natural, I suppose, that we continued the tradition with our own children. Back when Jill and Brent were little, this annual attempt was captured on film. And you weren't sure what you'd gotten until the film was developed. I have rolls and rolls of film chronicling the misadventures of getting two little kids to look their best in the same frame.
This was the photo we ended up choosing in 1988, Brent's first appearance on the card. Jill would have been 3 years and 3 months, and Brent was 7 months.
Here is another of our many attempts in 1988. 
I guess I had amnesia regarding the number of photos you take to get one photo that's Christmas card worthy. But it all came back to me as we tried to get a Christmas card photo of our granddaughters.
At least it's digital now and you can delete them off the memory card at will. Kinley, who will be 3 later this month, is at that cheesy fake smile stage unless you capture her in action.
Brooke, who is 3 months old today, will smile, but usually it's more fleeting than the camera shutter can record.
There's a reason I'm not a professional photographer. I can usually capture a pretty sunset, but portraiture is another thing all together. (And, by the way, do you think Kinley looks just a little bit like her Mommy?)
We attempted photos on Thanksgiving Day, which we spent here with some of the Moore side of the family. We tried again on Friday, when we celebrated a joint Thanksgiving/early Christmas with Randy's sister, Kathy, and her family.
I tried in Topeka when we kept the girls a couple of days earlier this week.

I haven't started putting the cards together yet. Outtakes for Christmas anyone?


  1. I think Brent had a great baby smile. Kinley is her Mother's child, in looks anyway.

    Looks like Grandpa and Grandma had fun attempting photos.

    1. Yes, Brent was a happy baby! Kinley is definitely her mother's child, in looks and deed, too. We had fun with the family, though I'm not sure we captured that in photos.

  2. Kinley definitely looks just like her mama! I bet it was fun too looks back at all the portraits. I'm so glad things are digital. Like you say, you don't have to wait and wonder! Lol!

    1. Randy says that digital photography has saved him a bundle!
