Thursday, July 9, 2015

Lessons from a 3 Year Old

Lessons from a 3 Year Old

Life can be scary. Sometimes, just like Kinley, I want to stand on the sidelines, my arms crossed across my body, to protect myself from the unknown. I want to guard myself against the things I don't understand and changes that come despite my inner need for consistency and routine. I like my comfortable little world with its handy to-do list.

Other people seem to glibly run through their own version of a three-ring circus (or four-ring, as the case may be).
It may look like fun, but who knows what scary encounters may be lurking in the mist of the unknown?
It's tempting to reach in and test the water first. (And, sometimes, that's the smartest course of action, too.)
But jumping in with both feet usually has its own rewards.
Sometimes, you're all ready to go. You've planned. You've prepared. You have your helmet in place, just in case.

There are reliable people along your path, just waiting to point the way.
You have good friends with whom to travel.
But you still have to steer to stay on course. (That can sometimes be a problem if you're not looking in the right direction.)

And the unexpected can happen. A pedal falls off your well-oiled plans, and the tools aren't immediately there to fix the problem. 
Thankfully, there are people there to help pick up the load and help out. (Thanks, Grandpa!)

Let's face it: Life can be loud and confusing - like rapid, booming, can't-catch-your-breath between fireworks. On July 3rd, as a quiet suburb sounded more like a shooting range, Kinley covered her own ears, nestled in protective laps and had Mommy or Grandma cover her ears for even more insulation from the cacophony of sound.
But after a prelude of sparklers on July 4th, she joined the rest of us, oohing and ahhing, as the sky lit up with streaking color ... and considerable noise!
"Oh, it's so beautiful," became the evening's go-to phrase.
It was a dramatic change of view. Sometimes, you have to embrace your fears with both hands. Sometimes, it just takes a change of attitude. 
Her 10-month-old sister is teaching me things, too. Sometimes, you just have to let go. If you fall, you get back up and try again.
Blurry photo, but it shows she's trying to walk!
Often, there are helping hands just out of view that help us from plunging off into the abyss.
And, it's good there are people around to help give us a push from time to time, too.


  1. Kim,
    Looks like you and the family had a wonderful 4th of July weekend.

    Lovely post and great life reminders. Whenever I'm around kids I enjoy sitting and watching them.

    We are back in the hay fields today.

  2. It was a nice little "vacation" after the hectic pace of harvest. Randy put down more hay today, but he just got "sprinkled" out. We'll see what happens.

  3. Love this post! You have captured life so beautifully with your words and posts.

    Glad to hear that you got a little vacation, at what is I would imagine, a very busy time of year. Enjoy!

    1. Thank you, Lynda. Though we just got away for a couple of days, it was a nice break!

  4. Kids keep you young and appreciative. I spent many years teaching kindergarten, and always noticed the little blessings. It's a good perspective to keep hold of.
