Grandma and Grandpa got a chance to spend some time with Kinley and Brooke while their parents were away earlier this month. Here's a round-up of some of our fun - better late than never!
Manhattan, Kansas was the place
To put a smile upon our face
K-State planned an Open House
"We'll have fun!" We did espouse.

A bouncy house was first on tap.
We entered it right through a flap.
Up, up, up! We had to climb.
Then slide on down! It was sublime!
Kinley had to help her sister.
She was such a great assister!
And though it was a big old stretch
Brooke made it through without a catch.
The College of Business knows what's fun!
A bouncy house through which to run!
Uncle Brent worked at that place
It was two girls' favorite space!
Besides the house, there were lots of games.
Uncle Brent helped with their aims.
The two girls used some fishing rods
While Grandpa tried to play the odds
He sure wanted to win a raffle
A purple golf cart would surely baffle!
Alas, we've gotten not a call.
I guess he didn't win at all!
Two girls came to photo booth.
They were disguised: Can you sleuth?
One dropped her mask. Now can you see?
That it was Brooke! Perhaps Kinley?
Though it was just a fancy barrier.
A lipstick tube seemed a whole lot merrier.
Imagining expands our minds.
If only we look for childlike finds!
Then in Shellenberger Hall
We shaped some treats - not hard at all!
They weren't for kids. They were for dogs.
Shaped like hearts and bones - not logs!
Then we shaped some pretzel dough.
We watched the girl to help us go.
Twist it this way, twist it that!
This time, we'd be a copycat!
We watched the girl to help us go.
Twist it this way, twist it that!
This time, we'd be a copycat!
The pretzel dough was made with flour.
It makes it tasty to devour.
Grandpa grows the wheat it takes
A flour mill, the flour makes!

Then flour is used to make some bread
Or cookies, cakes or pies instead!
Brooke - she likes to stir things up
She puts in tablespoons and cups.
She helped Grandma bake a treat.
It was surely good to eat!
It makes it tasty to devour.
Grandpa grows the wheat it takes
A flour mill, the flour makes!
Then flour is used to make some bread
Or cookies, cakes or pies instead!
Brooke - she likes to stir things up
She puts in tablespoons and cups.
She helped Grandma bake a treat.
It was surely good to eat!
Waters Hall was our next stop.
Students gave us this cute prop!
Students gave us this cute prop!
The Ag College was the place
Grandpa Randy set his pace.
As a student, there he'd learned
A bachelor's degree he'd earned
Grandpa Randy set his pace.
As a student, there he'd learned
A bachelor's degree he'd earned
Will we study there some day?
Time will tell! Come what may!
Time will tell! Come what may!
We may not know our college plan.
But we are pretty sure we can
Join 4-H as soon as ready.
It'll help us grow up steady!
Our Grandpas, Grandmas, mom and dad
Would all be thrilled and oh so glad!
They like 4-H and they've been part
Of 4-H heads and hands and heart.
But we are pretty sure we can
Join 4-H as soon as ready.
It'll help us grow up steady!
Our Grandpas, Grandmas, mom and dad
Would all be thrilled and oh so glad!
They like 4-H and they've been part
Of 4-H heads and hands and heart.
Crafts at home were next on tap.
Stickers down without a gap.
Unicorns we did devise.
They were pretty, in our eyes!
Beads in springtime colors strung
Around our necks, they then were hung.

One day outside with chalk we drew
Red, yellow, orange, pink and blue!
The library is a place to go
To learn and think and then to grow.
We read some books, we played with dolls.
Playing dress up was a ball!
It was time for mom and dad
To come home and we were glad!
Until next time, and now we're done!
With Gramps and Gran, we sure had fun!
Great rhyme and what a wonderful time you have had with Brooke and Kinley.
ReplyDeleteYes, we had a good time. I'm looking forward to taking Kinley and her mom to Rodgers and Hammerstein's "Cinderella" this Friday. Daddy & Grandpa will take Brooke on a different "date."