Thursday, April 2, 2020

Life with an Optimist: A Wheat Update

An optimist is the human personification of spring.
 –Susan J. Bissonette, author

"What would you like to say about the wheat in an update?" I asked my farmer.

"Well, let's see," he said ...
"It looks great, better than it has for several years."
"It's tillered and filled out."
"There are no mud holes, but it's also not dry and blowing away."
"It's one of the things looking great right now."
"It looks like a hundred-bushel crop ... Well, maybe not quite."
It's good to live with an optimist in these days of Covid-19.  Honestly, it's good to live with an optimist anytime.

After his Kanza Co-op board meeting on Monday night, he had even more good news:

"Do you know what the latest shortage in grocery stores is?" Randy asked.
"Nope. I just know you still can't buy toilet paper." I said.
"It's flour and yeast. Everyone wants to make their own bread!" my farmer said. "Maybe that will help boost the price of wheat."

Well, I guess the market didn't hear that news yesterday because commodity prices took another dive. But there's always hope, I suppose. 
Like I said, it's good to live with an optimist.
We'll see come harvest time!

And, by the way, his co-op board meeting was conducted at three different locations to make sure they didn't have more than 10 people at the same location and could maintain their 6-feet of separation. Technology for the win!


  1. Thank you! Thanks for taking time to comment!

  2. Your weekly farm blog is outstanding. I share it on Pratt Town Digest (Facebook Group) so folks in the Pratt area can enjoy viewing your photos and sharing your experiences. Thank you.

  3. You definitely found a winner there in your hard working, optimistic farmer. I sincerely hope his hard work is rewarded well.

  4. Thank you, Milt. I appreciate that very much!
