Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Newest Residents on the County Line


Taking photos of baby kittens is kind of like taking photos of multiple toddlers. It's next to impossible to get everyone looking in the same direction. I think I was as exhausted by my efforts as this kitty appeared to be.

One of our mama cats had five babies. They now have their eyes open and are getting cuter - and bigger - every day. We haven't had a surviving crop of kittens for awhile. This time, the mama had her babies in the Igloo near the house. The Cat Whisperer thought that required a change of bedding material. I concurred. I probably wouldn't have chosen white, but I wasn't the shopper. 

Then, after Randy had invested in a new pad, the mama moved them to the window well. 

I would have thought the accommodations in the Igloo were better, but I'm not a mama cat. Maybe she was trying to avoid the Big Man. She wasn't too wild about his attention at first. She'd hiss and claw. Randy may have had a battle wound or two. But, as I reminded him, a protective mama is better than one who moves them away - never to be seen again.

So far, she's kept them closer to the house, so Randy has been doing his part to tame them - even though we don't have a date that the girls (or Susan) will be here to play with them.

We try not to play favorites around here, BUT ... these are Randy's favorites.

But he does give them equal time. 

Yikes! We almost had an escapee!

They are pretty cute - favorites ... or not.


  1. Happiness is ................ a litter of cute kittens.

    1. It certainly is true for Randy!

  2. The happiness on Randy's face, brings back a memory of attending a one teacher school in the country, when I was aged between 5 and 8. There was just one home adjacent to the school. Ma First was a wonderful 'old' in my book, German woman. Once a week the girls [maybe 5 of us] had sewing lessons with Ma, at the house. When a litter of kittens arrived, we got to play with them under her house.

    1. I'm so glad our kitties created a wonderful childhood memory for you.
