"There are those, I know, who will say that the liberation of humanity, the freedom of man and mind, is nothing but a dream. They are right.
It is the American dream."
It is the American dream."
Archibald MacLeish, American poet and writer
It's the dream of every little American boy to be at a potluck with your grandma and grandpa instead of your parents.
This little guy - with a great 4th-of-July name Justice - was at the Elm Mills Independence Day celebration Saturday night.
At the all-American potluck with food packed on three huge tables, he was free to choose a chocolate cupcake loaded with royal blue icing and complete with a miniature, spinning pinwheel.
Of course, there were lots of people at the lake who were free to set off firecrackers and booming devices, forcing Justice to cover his poor little ears with the cupcake on one ear and a blue-tinged finger in the other.
It was so much fun to watch this guy as he passed our table. And it was even more fun to see his grandma's reaction as he rejoined them at their picnic table, and she got her first look at Justice in all his cupcake glory.

The Elm Mills celebration really was a slice of Americana. There were flags hoisted along the fishing docks.

There were patriotic decorations flying from tree branches and hooked along benches.

It was a celebration of family.

Nature provided its own beautiful scenery ...

... before a big fireworks display provided its shares of oohs, ahhs and applause.

~J. Horace McFarland
Great pics!! (and story of course)