I went along for the ride last week when Randy delivered a load of our hay to a feedlot near Dodge City. As we neared Spearville, I saw the wind turbines dotting the prairie, and I pulled out my camera to see if I could get a decent photo through dirty semi windows.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw an old-fashioned windmill at a farmstead and clicked the shutter quickly, hoping to capture the old windmill juxtapositioned against its newfangled "cousins." We were going 60 miles a hour down Highway 50, so I didn't have a lot of confidence that the photo from a dreary day would be worth saving. I literally had time for one click of the shutter as we rumbled by. But, later, when I looked at it on the computer, I was glad to have this contrast of old and new.
This weekend, I celebrated my fifth "blogiversary." I
first published Kim's County Line on January 24, 2010. During those five years of writing, I've published 1,268 posts. Earlier this month, the page views on Kim's County Line topped 1 million. (Some of those people likely Googled something and my blog happened to show up on their feed.) But, still, 1 million views was a milestone for this homespun little blog.
When I started, I didn't have a plan. At the time, my sister, my daughter and my niece were blogging. (They have since quit blogging. Maybe someday, they'll try it again.)
I've always been a writer. I remember "writing" my first story at a women's church meeting in the basement of the Byers United Methodist Church. My mom handed me a little notebook and I scratched out a few words and pictures on the lined sheets of paper.
Kim's County Line, I've substituted my crude hand-drawn illustrations with clicks of the camera shutter. But the writing - in one form or another - has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I even chose it for my profession.
Like those wind turbines on the plains, blogging is a relatively new way to share thoughts and impressions through writing. But, as new as it is, I've read some articles saying that Twitter is overtaking blogs. The short 140-character blurbs seem more attractive in this fast-paced world, I suppose.
Back when this area was settled, many a pioneer farmer or farm wife wrote in a journal or diary. There was no backspace button to delete a whole line of type. There was only pen on paper.
These days, I usually say that my blog is a mix of farm, family, faith,
food and photography. I am certainly no Pioneer Woman in terms of blog
followers or page hits. It can be frustrating if I play the comparison
game. Comparison is never healthy, though it's human (at least this
version of human struggles mightily with it). Some days, I do question
the time and effort I put into it. But, then I consider: What is gained?
I think writing has made me more aware. For some of the posts about
farming, I've approached the task like the reporter I am. I've
"interviewed" my farmer and written down his answers. I've asked the
questions and listened carefully, instead of halfheartedly, so I could
answer the "whys" and "wherefores" of a modern farming operation.
I used this photo of a sunrise after a 2007 ice storm as my first blog header photo. |
I've noticed the beauty all around me, and I've taken thousands of
photographs to document the magnificence of simple things - of rainbows
and ice on fences and sunflowers along ditches and baby calves nestled
against their mamas. And I've come to realize how precious these little
glimpses of time are.
I look at
Kim's County Line a little like a modern-day journal or diary.
Maybe, someday, I'll have a great-grandchild or even a stranger know a
little about life in the early 21st century on a Kansas farm. But
instead of finding it written in cursive on a paper page, it will be
documented in the photos and words captured in one little piece of the
Each quarter, I've published the blog posts and photos into hardcover
books. I didn't want to lose all that work and the family history if the
internet some day decided to eat
Kim's County Line for lunch. The 20 books make a pile more than a foot high. I'm running out of room on the TV cabinet shelves.
Perhaps writing about our life on a Kansas farm helps us see into the rearview mirror but also keeps us looking ahead to the next day or week or year. There is value in both, I think.
I do thank those of you who visit my little spot on the internet -
whether it's every time I post or just on occasion. Thanks for joining
me on the journey.