Blue Sky Ranch was the name of the place.
In Kansas near Hays was this ranch's home base.
Before they arrived, they thought horses were tall.
But these horses were miniature. (That means they're quite small.)
"The Biggest Little Horse Farm," is what it's known for.
Kinley and Brooke couldn't wait to learn more!
Kinley's a cowgirl with a hat and a pose.
Is being a vet in Brooke's future? Who knows?
But both were sure there was fun to be had.
A field trip with horses? They were so glad!
First it was time to learn from the boss.
Marion got lots of info across
He and wife Donna in year ' 92
Decided to show horses. That's what they would do!
These horses weren't big, they were really quite small.
But the plans the Schmidts had weren't tiny at all.
They'd buy the best horses. They'd train them up right.
They'd try to win ribbons, they'd work day and night.
Palominos, pintos and more.
These were the breeds they were sure to explore.
Mr. Marion asked, "Which did Kinley like best?"
Then it was time to see all the rest!
When two little girls make friends with a horse
It's best to give him a sniff, of course!
Lay your hand flat so that he smells you,
Slow, easy "hi's" are a fine, "How do you do?"
This little horse was just Brooke's height.
Holding his halter filled the girls with delight!
When two little girls make friends with a horse
It's best to give him a sniff, of course!
Lay your hand flat so that he smells you,
Slow, easy "hi's" are a fine, "How do you do?"

Holding his halter filled the girls with delight!
Gentleness also's important to brushing
Grooming a horse is no time for rushing.
Miss Donna's an expert at giving a trim
Before going to show ring, all proper and prim.
Then Kinley and Brooke made the horse look all fine.
All of their brushing made the horse's coat shine.
The Schmidts pack a suitcase for each tiny horse
For show supplies, it's a quality source.

Just like their humans, they need brushes and combs
To give their best image while away from their homes.

Marion and Donna then used a wood tool
To show how they measure and follow the rules.
34 inches is as tall as they go.
To be called miniature and enter a show.
The Tinkerbell horse was suitably small
To be miniature, you don't want to be tall.
We surely did like that Tinkerbell horse
The name was one of our favorites, of course!
Marion starts training the horses from birth
So they can learn more and increase their worth.
A well-behaved horse is a prize in the ring
And even more trophies and ribbons they'll bring!

And what do these horses all like to eat?
Some grain and some hay are their daily treat.
Sky and Star and a horse they named Pride
Eat up their rations so they're ready to ride.
But riding is not to be done on their backs.
Hook them to carts. Then they'll make tracks!
Around an arena, Marion put them through paces.
There was sheer joy on everyone's faces!
Mom got a chance to take up the reins
Then Kinley directed Skye all 'round the lanes.

It's serious business to drive a horse cart.
But Kinley enjoyed it ... right from the start!
Apollo the horse seemed all ready to pose
It's plain that he always is ready for shows!
Then he was off at another fast trot.
Were we ready to quit? No, we were not!
But then it was time to say our goodbyes.
When having fun, the time surely flies!
Our family enjoyed our time at this farm
Blue Sky Ranch has plenty of charm!
Blue Sky Miniature Horse Farm cart ride from Kim Fritzemeier on Vimeo.
Want to visit Blue Sky Farm? Visit their website or for information, call 785-625-6725.
Note: We visited Blue Sky Farm in March during spring break (hence, the sweaters, etc.) But it fit nicely with my Kansas Staycation theme, and I hadn't posted it yet. (It takes awhile to "talk" in rhyme. It's kind of exciting to know that Kinley will likely be able to read most of it herself now!) We also visited the Sternberg Museum on the same trip. More on that next time.
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