
The Sternberg Museum is under a dome.
It gave us a place to explore and to roam.
This dino, it towers way up in the air.
Walking on by it can give you a scare!
It's just one amazing thing that you'll see.
If you go and you learn about natural hist'ry!

The Sternberg Museum is the dino's home.
He and his friends really don't roam.
Neither do these creatures way up in the air.
The sights and the sounds ... Oh my! I declare!

Once these big creatures did roam 'round the earth.
The museum shows us their height and their girth.
While we think Grandpa is really quite tall.
Up by this mammoth, he's not big at all!
One favorite place was a fossil dig pit.
Uncovering fossils: We just couldn't quit!
Using our brushes, we took off the sand
Discovering treasures: It surely was grand!
There was only one problem that we could see.
All of that sand stuck to feet and to me!
Before we left this magical site
We covered them up so more kids could delight!
The Kids Discovery Center had us climbing a skull
None of this place could be called dull!
The skull was said to belong to a whale.
It sure was gigantic and of a big scale!
In discovery room, we discovered some snakes.
We were sure hoping the glass wouldn't break!
Onto a big spider, our Brooke she did climb.
Kinley ran out the door and didn't take time.
The museum is famed for a fish in a fish.
We wanted to see it: That was our wish.
The unusual fossil was found in our state.
Getting swallowed by big fish was the little fish fate.
While those old fishes, they were not alive.
A turtle in another display: He did thrive!
He kind of moved slow. He sure wasn't fast.
Our time at the Sternberg was surely a blast!
Dad wanted to read all of the displays.
But two little girls were ready to go on their ways.
We will just have to go back there again.
We just don't know the time or the when.
We just scratched the surface. There's more to be seen.
Going to Hays is really quite keen!
Before we took off and drove toward our homes
It was to a small park where our energy roamed.
An old slide was long and a whole lot of fun
We went several times before we were done.
Our time in the city that is known as Hays
Had come to an end at the end of the day.
It's a great spot for a Kansas Staycation.
Try for a low-cost family vacation!
Other posts in this Kansas Staycation series include:Scott City - Part I and Part II
Monument Rocks
Cheyenne Bottoms and the Kansas Wetlands Education Center (On that link, there are posts from Quivira National Wildlife Refuge as well)
Blue Sky Ranch - the Biggest Little Horse Farm in Kansas
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