Thursday, January 25, 2018

This Is Us: Farm Version

One of my favorite television shows is "This Is Us," a drama in its second year on NBC. For the uninitiated, it follows the life of three siblings - Kate, Kevin and Randall - through a series of flashbacks and present day life.

On last week's episode, the siblings and their mother come together in a counselor's office. While they all lived in the same house, they have very different perceptions about their shared experiences. While talking to his siblings later, Randall compares the different viewpoints to the experience of getting glasses as a youngster.

He talks about sitting in the exam chair at the eye doctor and being asked, "Is this better? Or is this better?" After the eye doctor shifts the lens, he's again asked, "Better here ... or here?" The changes are often minuscule, but they eventually lead to the proper prescription.

He reminds his siblings that we all view life through different lenses.

It really struck a chord with me. I vividly remember the trip home from Great Bend after I got my first pair of glasses in grade school. From my perch in the back seat, I suddenly saw things more clearly. Trees weren't just big green blobs: They had individual leaves. The world was sharper, more in focus. It was a revelation.

This week, I celebrate a "birthday" of sorts. It's my 8th "blogiversary." I hit the "publish" button on Kim's County Line for the first time on January 24, 2010. In eight years, I've published 1,683 posts, and there have been more than 1.78 million "page hits" on Kim's County Line.
Part of the reason I began Kim's County Line was to share our life on a Central Kansas farm. I subtitled the blog, "Camera Clicks and Commentary from a Kansas Farm Wife." In truth, I didn't have a solid plan. In fact, it was kind of one of those things your mother tells you not to do: My sister, niece and daughter were already blogging, so I decided to do it, too.

But, as it evolved, my focus became what I refer to as the 4 F's ... and a PH that sounds like an "f:" Farming, Family, Faith, Food and Photography.

Kim's County Line allows me to tell our story - through my own lens.

These days, it seems everyone is an "expert" on GMOs. Everyone has a magic bullet for improving health - and it probably does not include gluten, a protein found in the wheat that's the largest market share on our Central Kansas farm.

I'm not willing to let a Mexican restaurant chain declare that our method of farming isn't responsible. I'm not willing to have the Humane Society of the United States or Greenpeace say that I'm not a compassionate guardian for the planet or for the animals we tend.

So, I keep telling our story. I'm not blogging as much as I did at first. The first year - 2010 - I wrote six days a week and cranked out 265 blog posts. Last year - blogging only two days a week or so - I wrote 116 posts, my lowest total yet. But even though the frequency has waned, I'm still writing and photographing life on our Kansas farm - one blog post at a time
Each quarter, I publish a hard-copy version of the blog. My latest blog book arrived last week. I am running out of storage space. But I also know it's a comprehensive history of our life on a Kansas farm. While pioneer farm wives wrote in journals or diaries by the light of a lantern, I sit at my computer and type words into cyberspace. Still, just like those handwritten journals of the past, my words may some day reveal my life to my grandchildren or great-grandchildren or even strangers. They are both family history and farming history.

For now, it gives landlords a glimpse of what's going on. It gives me an outlet for my writing and photography.
And, along the way, I hope it sheds a little light on modern agriculture ... even if it's just one person's perspective. I do thank those of you who visit my little spot on the internet - whether it's every time I post or just on occasion. Thanks for joining me on the journey.

Want to know why it's called Kim's County Line? Click here for my very first post to find out.

It's my blogiversary, but to celebrate, one person will get a gift from me - a selection of my photo notecards. To qualify, either comment about this blog post in the comment section of the blog or on my Facebook page, Kim Moore Fritzemeier. Or, if you have trouble with either of those avenues, you may email me at The winner will be chosen at random from the commenters. Enter your comment by January 31 for a chance to win.


  1. Happy Blog-anniversary Kim. I haven't been here from the start but have followed your blog for quite a number of years now and have thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts, seeing your photos and getting to know you. I treasure our friendship across the miles. May you continue to find inspiration to write, photograph and blog for many years to come. xx

    1. Thanks, Lynda! I, too, appreciate our friendship!

  2. Happy Blog-anniversary Kim, farm wife, mother, Grandma, sister, daughter, reader, writer, amateur photographer, baker, volunteer, and child of God. Eight years and 1,683 posts! That is impressive, considering your busy life. So glad you find the time. It is a delight to find each new post!

    1. Thank you, Helen! Both you Australian ladies are important to me. I know that Lynda knows this, but I'm not sure you do: My mom has been penpals with an Australian since they were girls. They still exchange Christmas letters. My parents visited her in Australia a few years ago. Maybe someday!

  3. Hello again, my blogging friend. I have just scrolled back through many posts, trying to establish when our friendship first began.
    a] it was wonderful to revisit old images and wonderful posts and seeing the growth of your delightful Granddaughters.
    b] Today is our 2 year friendship birthday. How incredible that I was looking today. January 27, 2016. [It is the 27th down under.]
    c] This is also quite a coincidence. I stumbled on a blog post re your Mum's Penpal.
    Jan 11, 2016. This sentence caught my eye, because I live just 40 mins from Paradise Point. As I browsed I had been thinking that if we met, our accents might be a problem but we would 'click' immediately and what did you write!

    "My parents finally met the Australian Jill in 2001. By that time, Jill had moved to Paradise Point, a town near Brisbane. They spent some time with Jill playing hostess to the tourists. My mom said it was like visiting with an old friend, though she admits that both of them needed to slow down their speech cadence to cope with the unfamiliar accent of the other."

    1. What a coincidence that you are near my mom's penpal! It truly is a small world - made even smaller by the connections we can make via the internet.

      Thanks for doing "homework" and figuring all that out, my friend!

  4. Happy Bloggaversary! I haven't followed you from way back, but have enjoyed reading since I found you (I think from Robyn and the Ranch Wife Chronicles!) Kansas interests me, since my brother in law if from there, and it's where our daughter is in college! I'm curious where you got your hard copies published? I'd really like to do that with mine as well! I hope you keep on blogging!

    1. I use I always wait until they have a special, but when I was looking up the web address, I noticed that you would get 30 percent off your first order. It's not cheap, but both Randy & I enjoy having the hard copies.

    2. Thanks! Maybe this would be a good thing to spend my Christmas money on!

  5. Happy Blog-anniversary Kim! Keep up the good work you do spreading the truth about agriculture on a county line in Kansas. I enjoy your creative outlet and look forward to your adventures.

    1. Thanks Robyn! I'm so glad we got acquainted via our blogs. Keep those photos from your ranch coming!

  6. Thank you for sharing valuable information nice post,I enjoyed reading this post.


  7. Eight years?! I remember my favorite pastime at lunch when I was working at KSU was to read your blog every day. (I would still if my days weren't so full of the joys and challenges of my little ones!) Thanks for sharing your life, your perspective, and your photographs to inspire and educate others! I especially love your family stories. :)

    1. Thanks, Dana! It's good to hear from you.

  8. An update: Winner of the notecards was Valerie Ross, who commented via Facebook. She is a reader from Canada!

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  57. No one wants to be on their diet forever, but when you’re only dieting without a supplement to help things along, it might be a while before you hit your goal weight. That’s why a lot of people take a supplement, so that they can get their ideal body and move into the weight management stage rather than staying in weight loss forever. Trim PX Keto diet pills are the newest supplement to hit the market, and they might be the solution to hitting your ideal weight and getting your ideal body sooner than you thought. We’re going to tell you everything you need to know about this new supplement. If you’d like all the information from our Trim PX Keto review, just keep reading.

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  84. Insta Keto claims to be a natural supplement that suppresses the appetite, making an impact towards healthy weight loss process. The consistent use of the pills allows individuals to go with less snacking habits at night due to reduced food cravings or hunger cravings. It controls the formation of bad cholesterols and maintains a healthy blood sugar level promoting better health condition. The metabolic rate gets elevated with an improved ketosis process allowing carbs to get utilized as energy resources. VISIT on

  85. lack of fluid If you drink enough the fibers get the chance to travel smoothly through your system This loosens your constipation Even if you have diarrhea it is Facts of Health important to get enough fluid but it is also important to eat enough salts An extra pinch of sea salt with your meals is a good idea if you suffer from diarrhea Tips for a good bowel movement Follow the tips below to solve a different bowel movement Tip Drink lots of water Make your water better by adding a little lemon juice or mint Also regularly put a tasty herb tea such as mint tea or chamomile tea and pour your empty cup every time Tip Eat high fiber Are you following a low-carbohydrate diet that contains little fiber Then add products with fiber

  86. Motivating factors. Studies also display mixed aztekcomputers
    results for the use of Twitter to promote interactions with friends and teachers. Researchers located that after teachers used Twitter to put up updates about the course ask and answer questions and encourage students to tweet about course content there was proof of scholar-pupil and pupil-teacher interactions in tweets Hennessy et al. Tiernan .

  87. Resurge is a new, one of its kind weight loss pill which is clinically tested for its benefits. Using resurge pills daily works on the whole body at a time and improves the natural body functions. It encourages the body to lose weight without doing anything extra. Resurge supplement is designed and developed by John Baran. He made sure that he only picks natural ingredients in its formulation so that the weight loss is only naturally induced. It makes this Resurge safer and risk-free for all users.

  88. In Blood Boost Formula, Biotin and Chromium are used in 300 mcg and 1 mg amount respectively. Both ingredients are good at lowering blood pressure and revitalizing energy levels. The Blood Boost Formula uses high-class ingredients that are backed by many pieces of research for maintaining a healthy level of blood pressure and cut off the risk of heart disease. This supplement up till now has proven to be quite effective in promoting balanced blood sugar levels. The author used cutting edge ingredients in the Blood Boost Formula formula to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

  89. After an exhaustive study of about 100 plats, herbs and anti-oxidants, five key ingredients were finally selected for the formula of BioSoothe Pro. A booster ingredient was also added to it, increasing the overall effectiveness of the supplement was by manifold. The following is a detailed overview of all of these ingredients and how they fight nerve pain and restore the health of the nervous system. This is why it is mentioned in the World Health Organization’s list of essential drugs. It is counted as one of the most effective and safe ingredients in the formula of BioSoothe Pro.

  90. BioSoothe Pro was developed by James Stokes after teaming up with his friend and colleague Peter Anderson. When combined with all other nerve rejuvenating ingredients of BioSoothe Pro, neuropathy symptoms are alleviated at an increased rate. It has proven benefits for removing and healing oxidative damage to the brain, restoring nerve function significantly. It has been very effective in treating polyneuropathy and diabetic neuropathy, effectively removing symptoms like tingling and numbness of limbs. Methylcobalamin is a form of B12 and is found to protect neurological diseases and some dangerous effects of aging like muscular dystrophy, chronic fatigue syndrome, dementia, etc. BioSoothe Pro protects the brain from all of these neurotocxities.

  91. BioHarmony Advanced is made by Dr. Zane Sterling who is a professional in weight loss and natural medicine. During years of his professional career, he has helped thousands of patients struggling with weight loss. Eventually, he came up with an idea to design a product that everyone can use, without having to worry about product safety. BioHarmony Advanced is developed after years of research and study at Science Natural Supplements. BioHarmony Advanced is a well-guided product which means every ingredient and every effect of this weight loss supplement is studied.

  92. Resurge is a new, one of its kind weight loss pill which is clinically tested for its benefits. Using resurge pills daily works on the whole body at a time and improves the natural body functions. It encourages the body to lose weight without doing anything extra. Resurge supplement is designed and developed by John Baran. He made sure that he only picks natural ingredients in its formulation so that the weight loss is only naturally induced. It makes this Resurge safer and risk-free for all users.

  93. Nerve Control 911 uses this powerful ingredient as a very effective herb to heal nerve pain and blood vessel problems in patients. It helps get rid of pain in hands, feet, toes and fingers while also soothing inflammation in tendons and muscles. In addition, it also resolves insomnia and balances mood. iNOS is an enzyme that is responsible for producing nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is involved in inflammation caused in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Natural supplements like Nerve Control 911 are safer and better than medicines for its all-natural composition and long-term relief property.

  94. Erase My Back Pain is a famous program by Emily Lark that combines effective pain-relieving stretches and movements of all physical training programs into one compact system. It works naturally to help the back gain back its alignment to resolve problems like pain, stiffness, and sciatica, sometimes even helping to get rid of extra body weight. The different pain-relieving exercises taught in back to life Erase My Back Pain are very simple to follow and can be performed in the comfort of the home without any expert supervision.

  95. In Resurge this supplement is designed and developed by John Baran. There are dozens of weight loss supplements all of which promise to be natural and safe for the users. At first, it looks like that there is no way to tell if they are legit or a scam. However, reading about the Resurge i.e. what’s inside it, who has manufactured it, what is this supplement promising, it is easy to predict its efficacy. In the case of Resurge, it is a genuine product for weight loss.

  96. Urgent Fungus Destroyer is a natural and effective formula that will help individuals to eliminate the root cause of deadly fungal infections. It is quite alarming that how a seemingly harmless yellow toenail can make a person cripple. Big Pharma and the medical industry offer many expensive drugs to treat this condition. But they act as only a short-term solution, ignoring the root cause of the problem. The Urgent Fungus Destroyer contains natural ingredients like quercetin, flavonoid, and antihistamine. Moreover, the combination of ingredients present in this formula also involves beta-glucan, garlic, curcumin, cats claw, lycopene, pomegranate olive oil leaf extracts, pine-bark, Graviola, selenium, red raspberry juice, and Vitamin C E of very high quality.

  97. Nerve Control 911 uses this powerful ingredient as a very effective herb to heal nerve pain and blood vessel problems in patients. It helps get rid of pain in hands, feet, toes and fingers while also soothing inflammation in tendons and muscles. In addition, it also resolves insomnia and balances mood. iNOS is an enzyme that is responsible for producing nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is involved in inflammation caused in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Natural supplements like Nerve Control 911 are safer and better than medicines for its all-natural composition and long-term relief property.

  98. Nervexol is a natural dietary supplement to relieve neuropathic pain. Using this supplement will help thousands of people who are struggling with nerve pain. Nervexol is a complete support plan for naturally relieving the symptoms of neuropathy without relying on medicines. It follows an all-natural approach while selecting its ingredients, which makes it among very few products that are available without a prescription. Using Nervexol would help against numbness, discomfort, tingling sensation, pain, and mental stress that comes with all this.

  99. Resurge is a complete solution to live healthily and promote positiveness around you. Resurge is made from six active ingredients you need to know. All these ingredients aim to burn your fat and give your body a flawless look. If you are unable to invest time in losing weight due to busy schedule, but still want to get a flawless body, Resurge may be the supplement you are looking for. With Resurge you can safely shed pounds by boosting the metabolism while you’re asleep. Resurge efficiently loses your weight while you are in a deep sleep.

  100. Vidagenix Keto Burn has been the winner of the product of the year award in 2018, an accolade that further affirms the quality standards and the results of this product. Being made from 100 percent natural ingredients, Vidagenix Keto Burn has deemed a safe supplement for consumption for people of all ages, but the formulators still recommend consultation with physicians for people currently facing any chronic illnesses to be sure of their safety and well-being. Vidagenix Keto Burn weight loss formula is aimed at providing advanced solutions for weight loss in individuals who are unable to achieve this target despite all extended efforts. This supplement comes in very affordable price bundles so that a maximum number of people can afford it without straining their budget. The clinically proven formula of Vidagenix Keto Burn also offers a 100% 90-day money-back guarantee on the purchase of any packages available on their website.

  101. Nutrisystem allows all its users to order food via the Nutrisystem app. This same app can be used to track the progress of your diet plan as well as offer free counseling services, further helping with weight loss. Those with diabetes or heart conditions have the opportunity to experience major benefits from Nutrisystem. The food choices are healthy for the heart, blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol.

  102. Volumil is mainly for the people who lost their hearing due to some accident or abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system. Volumil promises to restore the hearing regardless of one’s age. As mentioned on the official website, Volumil can be taken by anyone whether a person is 20 or 70 and will show no side effects as all the ingredients used in its composition are natural.

  103. Blaux Portable AC is a cost saving alternative to traditional cooling systems. The only money associated with them is the purchase amount that needs to be paid just once for years of soothing cool air in summers and supplementary benefits in other seasons. The different functions that can be performed by these small ACs do not fall short of giving a complete value for money to their users.

  104. Tinnitus is an undeniably uncomfortable problem that has no treatment. The only thing that could work for relieving tinnitus symptoms is a natural supplement that improves the ear and brain health without damaging the body. Unfortunately, medicines do not come without side effects that is why using them for the long term is not a safe choice. Alternatively, Sonus Complete supplement is capable of relieving the buzzing and ringing noise which otherwise makes life miserable.

  105. People working in compact offices where indoor situations tend to get stuffy and uncomfortable, Glacier Portable AC can be placed on the desktop for continuous refreshing air flow. In situations where partners sharing a room find comfort in different temperatures, Glacier Portable AC can be real peacemaker. Individuals preferring lower temperatures can simply put the air conditioner near them for a great personal cooling experience.

  106. The Blood Pressure Solution is a guide, written, keeping in mind the unhealthy blood pressure that can cause several other medical conditions. Two figures measure blood pressure, systolic pressure over diastolic pressure. The normal blood pressure is said to be anything below 120/80. There is nothing to worry about unless these numbers are abnormally high. They tend to get higher in smokers, people above the age of 40, those with a family history of hypertension, those living a sedentary lifestyle, consumers of excessive sodium, and so much more. These are the issues that The Blood Pressure Solution targets by helping to maintain healthy blood pressure using completely natural ways without any medications. That means that there will be zero side effects since there will be no consumption of chemical-based medicines.

  107. TVFix Caster has made enjoying TV time extremely easy with its latest technology. This small and portable streaming device can transform any regular television into a smart TV in just seconds. Only this time, the smart tv provides tons of more benefits and countless entertainment options with the installation of TVFix Caster in its HDMI USB cable port. Simply put TVFix Caster makes the function of a smart TV even smarter with its innovative, affordable, and convenient technology. For those who do not have a smart tv at home, worry not, as this device also offers a huge bargain with its easy conversion from VGI to HDMI using just an inexpensive adapter, allowing to save thousands of dollars from the pricy purchase of smart TVs. Due to this adaptability, TVFix Caster is sure to give all over-priced streaming devices a run for their money.

  108. Health Spotlight They say necessity is the mother of all inventions. Polaire is one such invention which is designed out of the need to beat the blazing heat of the summer at a price which fits an average household budget. Polaire AC air conditioners are intended to meet personal cooling needs of individuals who are looking for a durable relief from the scorching summer heat at a price which is not only very affordable, but also delivers value over an extended period of time. For ensuring this, Polaire uses an innovative and patented EvaBreeze technology in its design. This technology allows it to deliver a strong and an increasingly eco-friendly cooling effect that lasts for an amazing thirty hours on a single charge. The award-winning design of these compact personal air conditioners makes them energy efficient and extremely easy to use, explaining why the Polaire ACs have been sold over a million times worldwide.

  109. Health Spotlight They say necessity is the mother of all inventions. Polaire is one such invention which is designed out of the need to beat the blazing heat of the summer at a price which fits an average household budget. Polaire AC air conditioners are intended to meet personal cooling needs of individuals who are looking for a durable relief from the scorching summer heat at a price which is not only very affordable, but also delivers value over an extended period of time. For ensuring this, Polaire uses an innovative and patented EvaBreeze technology in its design. This technology allows it to deliver a strong and an increasingly eco-friendly cooling effect that lasts for an amazing thirty hours on a single charge. The award-winning design of these compact personal air conditioners makes them energy efficient and extremely easy to use, explaining why the Polaire ACs have been sold over a million times worldwide.

  110. Overall, Essential CBD Extract looks like a genuine product if it follows it as per standard guidelines. Remember, this product will not work if you expect overnight effects. It is necessary to set realistic expectations before using any product. Next, it is necessary to correctly and regularly use the Essential CBD Extract to expect its benefits. Improper usage, overdosing, or mixing it with other products may cause undesirable effects. Essential CBD Extract is THC-free, non-addictive CBD product. It is easy to use, affordable and has no side effects.

  111. Essential CBD Extract oil can be purchased online without going to any pharmacy store. It is not even sold on these common stores. The reason is that the company doesnt want to involve a third party with their product to avoid issues with product authenticity. Every order of Essential CBD Extract oil is shipped directly by the manufacturing company, and the user receives a genuine CBD supplement. All orders of Essential CBD Extract oil come with a solid money-back guarantee, and there is no limitation of minimum or maximum order. Considering Essential CBD Extract is a completely natural product, it is hard to imagine that it could have side effects on its users. It is highly unlikely for any user to experience undesirable effects because nothing inside this products formulation could trigger side effects.

  112. I’ve been Feeling weak and always feeling sleepy for some time which I went for a test and I was told I’m Herpes positive so I followed a wide variety of medical treatments, I have even combined with different pills and antibiotics without clear results. My health was deteriorating more and more. But thanks to a herbal DR herbs method that I found on the internet to achieve the results i wanted, i knew from the beginning that this could help me, and I began to follow the method from Dr Aziba and the results were wonderful: I recommend you to get in contact with him via
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  113. I’ve been Feeling weak and always feeling sleepy for some time which I went for a test and I was told I’m Herpes positive so I followed a wide variety of medical treatments, I have even combined with different pills and antibiotics without clear results. My health was deteriorating more and more. But thanks to a herbal DR herbs method that I found on the internet to achieve the results i wanted, i knew from the beginning that this could help me, and I began to follow the method from Dr Aziba and the results were wonderful: I recommend you to get in contact with him via
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  114. With the most natural and safe blend of ingredients, InstaHard is an effective supplement to improve the quality of sexual life for all its users. Being potent and bioavailable, these ingredients don’t have any side effects on the body, but consultation with primary physicians is still recommended for people with chronic illnesses to rule out any chances of drug interactions or other side-effects. These easy to swallow capsules have a relevant ratio of ingredients that trigger sexual arousal and enhance pleasure. Because of the benefits of InstaHard supplement, and a 100 percent 180-days money-back guarantee the price bundles attached to it seem very light on the pocket.

  115. EyeSight Max is an eye-health improving supplement that is made with 100% natural and safe ingredients. Using it daily fixes the typical eyesight related problems, which otherwise makes life difficult. It may be hard to believe that taking a supplement can reduce eye-related problems, but the users of EyeSight Max are confident of its benefits. It is helpful for everyone who thinks that his eyesight is failing or his vision is disturbed.

  116. Metabolic Greens Plus is a unique product by Pure Health Research on the market, which helps unlock the hidden nutrients in the food. Many diet plans fail to provide an adequate amount of nutrients to the body, which results in fatigue, anxiety, and whatnot. Metabolic Greens Plus is a mixture of four amazing digestive blends that boost metabolism and sum up the nutrients together that are essential for a healthy body.

  117. Italian food online store Requesting to pick between Greek Olive Oil versus Italian Olive Oil resembles saying 'Canadian Apples versus American Apples.' The champ relies upon assortment, care, and conditions. It is the equivalent with Greek oils versus Italian oils. Which is better relies a lot upon the consideration and conditions the oil was reaped and handled under, and less which nation carried out the responsibility. It likewise depends somewhat on the olive varietal utilized, however just to those with particularly touchy palates.

  118. Parmigiano Reggiano About: It is produced using cow mil delivered between April-Nov. It is a matured cheddar that typically presents or finishes a feast. By law, Parmigiano Reggiano cheddar is matured at any rate one year. The cheddar ought to have yellow tone with a brittle however sodden surface. Use: It should be kept up enveloped by plastic and mesh varying. The kind of this cheddar supplements pastas, soups, and is likewise utilized in servings of mixed greens. It is pungent and sharp, so it can likewise be use as a flavoring.

  119. Parmigiano Reggiano One conventional utilization of an entire Parmigiano Reggiano head is to utilize it as a serving pot. On uncommon events, when one has many visitors to serve (culinary fairs, feasts, huge parties) the entire head is spent and altogether burrowed out so the exposed outside layer stays, steaming pasta would then be able to be poured in it and served from in that.

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  123. No need here for any complexity, and Blast Auxiliary certainly seems to know that most consumers typically just want ease when using a product like this. The Blast Auxiliary Classic/Desktop AC is meant to provide effective cooling, and at an affordable price. The tech behind this portable air conditioner is pretty slick, meaning it consumes less power than you'd expect, only serving to aid the fight against climate change. With a host of features, and some considerations a potential buyer would need to make, Blast Auxiliary Classic AC device certainly merits a review.

  124. Finally, the last item on our list of the best Gaming Chairs of 2020 happens to be the Vertagear Triigger 350 SE. The best of the best the brand has to offer and possibly the best and the most comfortable Gaming Chair out there. What we are sure about is that fact that, with an eye watering price of dollars1000, it is insanely expensive. Is it worth spending that much? Let’s find out. In terms of comfort, you get all sorts of ergonomic adjustments such as a sliding seat pan, two-way adjustable lumbar support, armrests, and a headrest.

  125. Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic supplement starts working from day one, but you can’t see its results in a few days. As it follows a natural weight loss plan, it may take some time to see the results. In addition to this, the duration to see results is variable, and every person needs a different time to lose the same amount of weight. It largely depends upon the current body weight, routine, and regularity of usage to predict how much weight a person may lose. You can use Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic for as long as you want; it has no side effects. Most people can see a difference in their weight within four to eight weeks of using it. If you have combined it with a low-calorie diet and exercise, you may experience the results much faster than other users.

  126. CarboFix doesn’t require a strict diet or exercise to show results. CarboFix improves mood and increases energy levels because it regulates blood glucose levels and regulates insulin sensitivity. Also It comes with a money-back guarantee, so buying it is a risk-free investment. CarboFix comes with 3 absolutely free bonuses that can’t be found anywhere to buy. When sugar isn’t digested properly, it turns into fat cells that deposit everywhere in the body. Many diets contain much more sugar than one should consume, but when the body uses the right enzyme, the body breaking sugar down is no longer problematic. CarboFix promises to activate the enzyme and blood glucose levels under control. CarboFix comes at amazing prices and offers a money-back guarantee if you are unsatisfied.

  127. The Blast Auxiliary AC is reliable and gives consistent results, whether it's during the cold, dry winter days, or the dry hot summer season. Blast Auxiliary air conditioner is low maintenance and an easy-to-use device. Blast Auxiliary is a portable classic desktop AC unit that offers users personalized rapid cooling benefits that help living spaces stay cool. Blast Auxiliary AC works as an air cooler, a fan, a night illuminator as well as an air cleaner since it has a filter installed.

  128. BioFit is a dietary blend that contains probiotic bacteria that are extracted from natural sources. Probiotics are a special type of bacteria that can improve digestive health, cardia health, and immunity. There are 30 capsules inside every bottle of BioFit, and every user is required to take only one pill with a glass of water. Don’t overdose on this supplement for faster results; taking it more than your requirement may cause digestive distress. Any changes in metabolism also affect these functions, and if this change is positive, all of these functions are going to improve accordingly. It means BioFit is not just any weight loss-promoting formula but a complete health booster.

  129. Melatonin is Gluconite ingredient is a sleep-inducing hormone that is added to many supplements and medicines used for sleep regulation. Inside Gluconite formula it induces sleep, and there is no need to use sleeping pills or relaxing pills separately. There are no artificial ingredients and fillers added to the Gluconite formula. That’s why it is safe for all users. But if someone is unsure about using it, the best is to talk to a doctor and get an expert opinion regarding ingredients safety. As soon as a person starts taking Gluconite, its natural ingredients working on fixing the underlying issues. But for noticeable changes, it is necessary to use Gluconite for a few weeks or months, depending upon the initial sugar profile, dietary habits and activity level of the user. It may take more or less time for every user, based on his health status and lifestyle habits. But it is mandatory to use Gluconite regularly, every day without skipping it, to expect its benefits.

  130. We've established that Effuel is a fuel-saving device that helps your car run more efficiently. So, when you connect Effuel to the ECU of your car, it starts collecting data related to your driving habits. It doesn't instantly start making changes either as that wouldn't exactly be a good idea. Instead, it continues to collect data for at least 150 Km before it decides to make any changes. The Effuel device checks things like your acceleration and braking habits, your gear-changing patterns, and other things like the car's fuel consumption.

  131. We have to say, Blast Auxiliary certainly knew what they were doing. The biggest strength of this Blast Auxiliary Classic AC portable air conditioner isn't simply its superior build quality. Sure, we love the lightweight frame, and the durable finish of the casing. No, the main catch of this product is its multipurpose offerings, especially at such an economical price point. No longer will you need multiple items to cover the same ground you can with this single device. You have a perfectly functional humidifier, fan, and air conditioner of several different types. The Blast Auxiliary Desktop AC seeks to revolutionize the air conditioner concept, making it a portable, personal and multipurpose gadget.

  132. Using Lion HRT is easy and straightforward. All it requires is to consume it with a sufficient amount of water, preferably before a meal. It can be taken at any time of the day, but the best is to use it in the morning so that the energetic boost provided by Lion HRT lasts for the whole day. It is necessary to follow the standard dosage guidelines; exceeding the limit and skipping the dosage can result in unexpected outcomes. Take it for a few weeks to feel the noticeable changes in heart health. Lion HRT uses only natural ingredients in its formulation. That's why it is rare to see a side effect from using it.

  133. Holistapet is probably the number 1 seller for making full-spectrum CBD Oils for dogs. This is a California-based company that manufactures oils, tinctures, CBD treats, and much more. These products are safe and contain broad-spectrum CBD inside. All of these products are made from hemp using the latest machinery and extraction protocol to take out CBD Oils. Holistapet CBD Oils and treats for dogs are among the best CBD products for your pets. The high-quality hemp and UpToDate manufacturing process make sure that the pets are getting the lowest THC- based hemp products. Unlike many other brands, the CBD Oils from Holistapet is 100% organic and free from gluten, dairy, and other allergens. Plus, there are no artificial flavors or colors added. There are no delivery charges for domestic orders, and the 30-day money-back guarantee is also applicable on all orders. The first name in this best vendor for CBD Oils for dogs list is CBDfx, which was founded back in 2014 and is the fifth largest private company making pet-friendly CBD products for the world. This is an A-list company endorsed by millions of pet owners worldwide. It uses only organic, pesticide-free, and non-GMO hemp for making CBD Oils.

  134. All benefits of Gluconite are due to its carefully selected ingredients. These ingredients are extracted from premium quality natural sources and mixed using the latest machinery. White willow bark extract is Gluconite ingredient that saves from pain, stress, toxin damage and inflammation which slow down metabolism and increase the chances of obesity. Improving metabolism by willow bark provokes weight loss and manages the weight for a long time. Passionflower is another Gluconite ingredient stress-relief that improves the sleeping cycle, quality and duration of sleep. It also saves from sleeping disorders such as insomnia. Hibiscus Powder Passionflower is Gluconite ingredient that adds a huge amount of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins to the body which is needed for a good metabolic health, blood pressure and immunity boost. There is some evidence on hibiscus extract to boost metabolism and prevent obesity.Gluconite is a newly launched sugar and sleep regulatory formula which works through nighttime metabolic boost. The reason why people don’t trust a dietary product for everyday use is because of the shady background and no information about the ingredients or working. For this reason, a little background check is mandatory, and thankfully, the company making Gluconite has already explained everything about it-on-its website. gulation, hormonal control and fixing the hidden issues in sugar metabolism. It is consumed before sleeping so that its effects can last all night long, and the user wakes up fresh the next morning, with no abnormal sugar levels or lethargic feeling. Taking Gluconite every day along with basic dietary modifications leads to a healthier and happier life, saves a person from premature ageing and early death. But it is necessary to take the recommended dosage for a few weeks before expecting these benefits.

  135. Gluconite is a newly launched sugar and sleep regulatory formula which works through nighttime metabolic boost. The reason why people don’t trust a dietary product for everyday use is because of the shady background and no information about the ingredients or working. For this reason, a little background check is mandatory, and thankfully, the company making Gluconite has already explained everything about it-on-its website. gulation, hormonal control and fixing the hidden issues in sugar metabolism. It is consumed before sleeping so that its effects can last all night long, and the user wakes up fresh the next morning, with no abnormal sugar levels or lethargic feeling. Taking Gluconite every day along with basic dietary modifications leads to a healthier and happier life, saves a person from premature ageing and early death. But it is necessary to take the recommended dosage for a few weeks before expecting these benefits.

  136. In terms of feature set, the Blast Auxiliary Desktop Air Conditioner leaves no stone unturned. It has tons of different modes tailored towards each type of individual customer. In addition to that, the portable AC also has plenty of neat tricks up its sleeve that really elevate it into its own separate class. One of the coolest things about the Blast Auxiliary Air Conditioner is the sheer versatility that it possesses. This portable AC is not a one-trick pony at all. Instead, it has multiple operating modes that can be changed according to your liking. Thankfully, the Blast Auxiliary Portable Air Conditioner comes with not one, not two, but three different fan modes that have been tweaked to suit a vast majority of different weather conditions. So, whether you want an ultra-fast fan to really cool you down or just want a gentle breeze, you’re all sorted with the Blast Auxiliary AC.

  137. Diabacore pills are effective and safe for everyone but there are a few cases where it may not be a suitable choice. For example, pregnant women should abstain from taking a dietary supplement as it may pose a health risk. People aged under 18 even if they are experiencing unbalanced sugar levels should refrain from using this supplement. Diabacore is best suited for those who are in or at the end of their middle age and do not have enough time to invest in their health. Diabacore is available exclusively on the official website of the product, This product is not available at Amazon, eBay Walmart, or any other local or online store. Currently, Diabacore does not partner with any reseller and only sells on the website mentioned. Therefore, buying it from unauthorized sources is not recommended. The website also enlists authentic Diabacore reviews from customers who tried and benefitted from the product. if you aren’t sure about using it, reading these responses will give you an idea about what to expect from these pills. This supplement is available in three options including packages of one, three, and six jars.

  138. With these Gluco Shield Pro capsules, the company suggests following some tips to get better control over blood sugar levels naturally. Here is what it suggests. Most people skip breakfast because they don’t feel like eating in the morning. There is plenty of research data that suggests breakfast to be the most important meal in the entire day. Hence every Gluco Shield Pro user is advised to regularly take breakfast to keep his blood sugar levels smooth. Eating a nutritious breakfast in the morning stabilizes blood sugar all day, and whatever you eat at this time, the body will show the best response towards it. Exercise has enormous benefits to the body, from physical to mental health. If you want to keep a check on your blood sugar levels, it is necessary to add any type of physical activity to your day. Join a gym or engage in any group activity. If you can’t step outside the house, buy a treadmill or learn yoga. Take out 30-45 mins per day for exercise while taking Gluco Shield Pro pills to see how it works for you. When your body undergoes movement, it starts producing more insulin which targets these sugar layers and helps transport them to the cells.

  139. Fuze Bug, on the other hand, doesn't have to use any harmful chemicals as it uses a completely different method for repelling insects. Since it uses a high voltage zap to get rid of bugs, there is no presence of any liquid chemical in it whatsoever. All it needs is an electric current and it is good to go. Being chemical free also means that the FuzeBug is safe to use around children as well. As it has a double protective layer around the zap layer, there is no chance of any child getting near it. Not only that but the added benefit of having a UV-free lighting also increases the safety of using Fuze Bug around children and pets. Fuze Bug comes with a full-sized LED light embedded within it that can be adjusted to one's liking. It has four different lighting modes, each with its own brightness. You can change between 0%, 20%, 50%, and 100% brightness. So, whether you need a night light to sleep to or want something bright to help you focus with work, Fuze Bug has got you covered. And, since the light also has a bug-repellent function in it, you can sleep or continue to be productive without worrying about any insects.

  140. Folital ingredients are natural, by source, and essentially required by the body. There are lesser chances of experiencing any side effects with natural ingredients; hence, it appears that this formula has no risks involved. Folital hair growth supplement is safe for everyone and is least likely to trigger any allergy. But if you have a known history of food-related allergies, make sure to read the ingredient list thoroughly. If you suspect any ingredient, refrain from using it. The ingredients in Folital help purge the toxins so that you can enjoy a healthy and voluminous mane. Also, the official website of this product features several Folital reviews from customers who benefitted from this supplement. Folital is available to purchase on the official website of the product: Every bottle comes with 60 capsules and lasts for one month. If you want to save money on Folital orders, it is better to order bundle packs instead of individual orders every month. Folital hair supplement is a natural formula containing exotic herbs and plant extracts. It supplements the body with hair-loving nutrients to help those with balding and hair thinning.

  141. BioFit is a dietary mix that contains probiotic microorganisms that are removed from common sources. Probiotics are a unique sort of microorganisms that can improve stomach related wellbeing, cardia wellbeing, and resistance. There are 30 containers inside each jug of BioFit, and each client is needed to take just a single pill with a glass of water. Try not to ingest too much of this enhancement for quicker outcomes; taking it more than your necessity may cause stomach related pain. Any progressions in digestion additionally influence these capacities, and if this change is positive, these capacities will improve as needs be. It implies BioFit isn't only any weight reduction advancing recipe however a total wellbeing promoter.

  142. Keravita Pro ingredients are curated from high-quality sources. These 31 ingredients work together to eliminate fungal infections and support the body against these infections. Red Raspberry in the Keravita Pro formula has several health benefits, including anti-aging effects and protection against cancer and diabetes. Selenium ingredient promotes metabolism and prevents stress. Also, it enhances the immune response and lowers the risk of heart disease. the Keravita Pro ingredient list also features other organic and natural compounds that stimulate the immune response. All of these ingredients are obtained from premium quality sources with no chance of contamination

  143. The One and Done Workout is a way to achieve your body goals by investing as little as seven minutes per day. The program was created by Meredith Shirk, a fitness guru well known on Facebook and YouTube for her exceedingly popular workout routines. Her regimens have helped millions of women with weight loss over the past decade. Shirk has also worked with older women and new mothers in their weight loss efforts. One and Done Workout Shirk curated this routine that helps people from every walk of life and age. Most people can perform these exercises with ease every day and lose weight without starving themselves. It is much more practical than all weight loss options and diets that are currently popular. Without spending much money or making any abrupt changes in your diet and lifestyle, you can start a weight loss program right away.

  144. Mike Banner is the name behind the Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic supplement. He has designed this formula to help millions of people struggling with their weight and find it impossible to achieve. This product is based on an ancient Japanese formula that has been historically helping the native people maintain a healthy weight. Everything inside Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic is plant-based, and there are no artificial ingredients, fillers, and additives inside. All of these ingredients are safe for consumption and are least likely to cause adverse effects. It also suggests that Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic supplement can be used for as long as a person wants, without worrying about it causing side effects inside his body. All the benefits associated with Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic are due to its ingredients, which is basically a Japanese formula. People from Japan are lean, healthy, and maintain an ideal weight all their life. Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic is one such product that contains ingredients best for melting fat without using any artificial way.

  145. Keravita Pro ingredients are curated from high-quality sources. These 31 ingredients work together to eliminate fungal infections and support the body against these infections. Red Raspberry in the Keravita Pro formula has several health benefits, including anti-aging effects and protection against cancer and diabetes. Selenium ingredient promotes metabolism and prevents stress. Also, it enhances the immune response and lowers the risk of heart disease. the Keravita Pro ingredient list also features other organic and natural compounds that stimulate the immune response. All of these ingredients are obtained from premium quality sources with no chance of contamination. According to the official website, it uses a GMP-certified facility to prepare this supplement under-skilled workers. There is no doubt that Keravita Pro supplement or any of its ingredients can go wrong or cause a side effect. Also, the risk of allergic reactions to natural ingredients is rare. But those who have a known history of food-related allergies should read the ingredients list first before making their decision.

  146. Dentitox Pro liquid is a dental boost formula. It comes in a small size bottle that can cater to 30 ml of the product inside. This one bottle is sufficient for the whole month as the daily dosage is no more than 1 ml (makes 5-6 drops) only. According to the official website, it can be used directly, without mixing a carrier oil or any secondary product. It is better to stick to the dosage shared by the company. Consuming more than 1 ml per day is not safe for health. The ingredients inside Dentitox Pro are no less than synthetic ingredients, except that they don’t cause side effects in any user. Just because it is a herbal blend doesn’t mean it can be overused or consumed in a high dosage for faster benefits. This is not how herbal blends work. It is better no to take it with any medicine, supplement, or herbal extract to avoid a cross-reaction. Limit your alcohol intake and switch to a healthier lifestyle and diet for faster effects. Dentitox Pro helps to tighten gums to lower the signs of inflammation, pain, and bleeding. It aids in the detoxification of the mouth of harmful invaders such as pollutants, processed chemicals, and other substances.

  147. Fuze Bug is a fascinating little gadget that not only acts as an effective insect repellent, but also manages to be a great versatile lamp. Its ability to charge via USB-C or solar power cannot be undermined and the size of the battery is more than big enough to last you a while. This paired with the fact that it is completely portable, hassle-free and doesn't use any chemicals means that buying one is a no-brainer for anyone going for a camping trip into the wilderness. You do have to be wary though since you cannot find Fuze Bug in an offline market so aftersales support could suffer. And, if you're not too keen on killing bugs, then this clearly isn't for you anyway. Nevertheless, the Fuze Bug is a fantastic product that prioritizes user convenience over everything else. It has great features, and a great price, making it a great value for anyone who decides to buy it. Fuze Bug comes with a full-sized LED light embedded within it that can be adjusted to one's liking. It has four different lighting modes, each with its own brightness. You can change between 0%, 20%, 50%, and 100% brightness.

  148. BioFit pills are loaded with probiotic strains, some of which are essential for the digestive system to work. Going through its ingredients list will tell you that each of these strains is already a part of the human gut. It is just that the body becomes deficient when a person doesnt take care of his diet. Additionally, weight gain also changes the gut microbiota, giving more chances to the harmful bacteria to take over the body. When a user starts taking BioFit capsules, it adds these essential probiotics back to the body, lost because of the dietary changes. Some of them improve the gut lining, help in food absorption, increase immunity, while others relieve chronic inflammation or detoxify the body.

  149. Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic ingredients are free of any synthetic chemicals. The natural blend comprises naturally sourced components to make a potent mixture for efficient weight loss. There are several antioxidants and anti-inflammatory Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic ingredients to burn fat and boost the health of the body. This ingredient list clarifies that it is a 100% natural formula and free from allergens, fillers, and toxins. For this reason, it is least likely to go wrong or cause a side effect in any user. Therefore, Okinawa Flat Belly can be used on a daily basis without worrying about any side effects.

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