And, if you don't know they are there, it would be easy to miss the annual springtime visitors.

By the middle of April, Randy was already keeping watch with me, too. I reminded him that May was usually the magical month.
And May it was again! With the news channels full of more coronavirus news, an evening visit to "my" secret garden was just the medicine I needed. As you can see, my trusty companion went along, too. (That royal blue in the background is not a nattily-dressed deer. It's my wandering husband. Neither he or I realized he was in the shot that moment.)

(And to the new owner: No ground was harmed in the photographing of these irises, which I'd like to believe bloom for my enjoyment. But - true confessions - I did venture off the road and a few yards into the field.)
I love going to the spot as the sun is on its way down. It streaks across the dried CRP grasses in the background and contrasts with the deep green of the spring blooms.
The lights and shadows provide texture, as do the pieces of bark shed by the mighty trees who've born silent witness to the blooms for years.
We lived as newlyweds in a house just a mile north of Zenith. And, as I've shared before, I don't remember seeing the irises back then, even though they are less than a half mile away. I was speeding past them on my way to and from Hutchinson to work each day. That singular focus gave me tunnel vision, I suppose. At that point, I was likely gathering speed for the daily dash to The Hutchinson News offices. Or, after a long day away, I was ready to pull into the driveway and relax for a few hours before the merry-go-round began again the next day.
Some of those blooms were only beginning to stretch out their petals for the spring show.
The little caterpillar-like beard seemed to begin the metamorphosis into the beauty of spring.
Others were ready for their close-up.
While Covid-19 has interrupted our lives in ways we'd never dreamed just a few months ago, there may be a silver lining.
And it comes with a realization to appreciate the little things.
27 “Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 28 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you—you of little faith! 29 And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it ... But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.
Luke 12: 27-31
You could dig up a couple of those irises for your yard and nobody would know. We won’t tell 🤐
ReplyDeleteI've always loved irises. They were one of the few flowers growing in our 'garden' on our first farm. These are beautiful images but my favourite is your final shot. Uplifting!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Helen. They remind me of my grandmother.