Thursday, December 17, 2020

Making Tracks

 My husband turned on the feed truck before he came to get me for feeding yesterday.
 Have I mentioned lately that he's a keeper?

It was a long-underwear-kind-of-morning. 
The cattle were ready for a big helping of steaming, "hot cereal," aka silage.

Sometimes, they need some "frosted flakes," too.
My view from the feed truck

The snow seemed to match the "dusting" in the bright, blue sky.

Health advocates say you should drink plenty of water.

The cattle seemed happy to comply.
Once the animals were taken care of, I talked my "chauffeur" into taking in the scenery.
Peace Creek from the Zenith Road, looking east

Peace Creek, looking west

The ice patterns under the bridge were like hieroglyphics.


I'm not sure what the message was. Maybe it was "pay attention" to the beauty around you.


I realized I had put some earlier snow photos on Facebook, but I'd not shared them on Kim's County Line. The photos below were taken the day before Thanksgiving. (I want to make sure they are saved somewhere other than my computer - just in case!)



  1. Breathtakingly beautiful photos. Love your blog!

    1. It was so pretty - and cold!! - yesterday morning. Thank you, Jan! Thanks also for ordering the book through inter-library loan.

  2. Totally agree with Jan.
    The images take my breathe away. I guess the cold was doing the same to you.

    1. Yes, it was pretty chilly, but definitely worth it. I try to dress in layers for when we chore.

  3. Not to pile on, but so beautiful and thanks for posting.

    No snow yet here in NE Texas, but some good hard frosts. My granddaughters think that is snow, LOL!


    1. That's funny. I had the same conversation with my daughter. Our youngest granddaughter was convinced that they got snow recently. It was a heavy frost. Merry Christmas, Terri!
