Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Thanksgiving Outing

Beef: It's what for dinner.

That's more than a marketing slogan here on The County Line. Because we raise beef and that's what's in our freezer, it's most often on the table. 

But Thanksgiving was going to be turkey for two, with all the trimmings. 

And then we had beef for dinner anyway - sort of. A phone call from a neighbor revealed that we had cattle out. 

Grrrr! We were having beef for dinner in a different way.

Randy hopped on the 4-wheeler. I had a warmer job. I used the pickup to block from the road. Randy says he almost got stuck several times in the snow-saturated fields, but he managed to work his way out of the predicament. 


Eventually, they were back in the corral. Mission accomplished.

And Randy worked on fixing fence.

The turkey kept roasting while we chased cattle. And after I got back to the house and slid the dressing into the oven and turned the burner on for the potatoes, we only ate an hour late.

It's probably just as well that Covid-19 kept us at home this year. (I keep trying to find the silver linings, OK?)


  1. I'm glad the turkey cooked successfully. You would have been very thankful after your unexpectedly busy morning.
    The final pic of the cows - "And where is our dinner?"
    By the way, I love your new header.

    1. Since I wasn't entertaining anyone, there wasn't the normal pressure, so I guess that's a positive.

      I, too, love the photo. Because we haven't gathered as a church for several weeks, we haven't decorated the church this year and probably won't. There's some grief associated with the loss of holiday traditions.
