Tuesday, November 28, 2023

A Snowy Weekend

When Will and Avery joined the family this fall, we purchased an igloo shelter. Over the weekend, it lived up to its name. 

Will and Avery didn't seem to know what to think about this fluffy white phenomenon. And, honestly, it had been awhile since we humans had seen this much snow, too. An informal yardstick measurement revealed about 7 1/2 inches of the white stuff. 

Before anyone gets too worried about Will and Avery, they also had plenty of inside time during the snowstorm.

This looked like the very definition of a "cat nap" to me!

They served as lap warmers for TV viewing for one of our home's occupants. It wasn't me.

Besides the quantity, the lack of wind was another unusual phenomenon for this snow. On the first day, it pretty much stayed where it fell, which should be beneficial for our farm fields.

Notice the Cats Crossing sign on the electric pole.

It was not so conducive to driving to Manhattan for the final regular season football game. So, instead, we gave away our tickets to friends who live in Manhattan and watched "Farmeggedon" - K-State vs. Iowa State - from home. (Unfortunately, K-State lost.)

I did take time to wander and take a few photos during our "staycation."

 I was wishing we'd changed my decorative flag from fall to Christmas to better suit the scene.

We had already put out our Christmas floodlights. But only the green one was working at the time.

The next morning, floodlights were no longer needed.

 Sunlight on snow always transforms the scene.

It was pretty - especially since I wasn't the one shoveling or feeding cattle.

“Snow brings a special quality with it—the power to stop life as you know it dead in its tracks.”
Nancy Hatch Woodward

"When snow falls, nature listens."
Antoinette VanKleef

"A snow day literally and figuratively falls from the sky—unbidden—and seems like a thing of wonder."
Susan Orlean



  1. Enjoyed the snow pictures. It certainly looked like a wonderland. So rare to get the snow without the wind.

    1. I agree: It was unusual to get the snow without the wind! We are all thankful for the moisture.

  2. Not sure why I was anonymous. From Mom

    1. They've changed the commenting, and not for the better, in my opinion. You have to type who you are every time, which is not ideal.

  3. Just magical beauty from where I am sitting. Perfect that there was no wind and the ground will benefit.
    A catnap for sure.

    1. It changed some of our plans, but that was OK. It was worth it for the moisture.
