Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Something Beautiful

My sunrise tree

On this day before Thanksgiving, it's easy to get caught up in the "to-dos." Besides the preparations for the holiday meal, my email feed and television ads offer the latest Black Friday deals. We haven't even celebrated Thanksgiving, yet those of us with the responsibility for making Christmas "merry and bright" for others feel the pressure - kind of like a heavily-laden Thanksgiving buffet where we need to move the turkey platter so we can crowd in another side dish.

I can always use a reminder to take a moment and breathe.

So, it was good to look back at some sunrise photos I took a few days ago. Even though I can't use our own farm machinery for sunrise or sunset silhouettes any more, I took advantage of our neighbor's machines, waiting for another day of harvesting milo in the field down the road from our house.  

On the busiest of days, it's good to remember the beautiful. My Guideposts email devotional made sure I didn't forget.
My sunrise tree - just a little later
A Time to Think
Never say there is nothing beautiful in the world anymore. There is always something to make you wonder in the shape of a tree, the trembling of a leaf.

—Albert Schweitzer, theologian and medical doctor
A Time to Act
Take time today to nourish your soul with beauty and silence.
A Time to Pray
Lord, let me see Your beauty in the beautiful things You have made.

Happy Thanksgiving from The County Line!


  1. Beautiful, Kim. We need to pause each and every day.
    We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here, but we a are blasted with Australian Black Friday sale advertisements.
    I hope you and your family were able to relax and celebrate together.

    1. We were with my sister's family. Our kids were with the other side of the family this year. It was a fun day! She has 8 grandchildren, so the place was hopping!
