Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The "Grand" Scheme of Things

Capturing the "grand" in granddaughter is easier said than done. Don't get me wrong. They are truly grand. And they are truly cute - if I do say so myself.
But it's not easy getting natural-looking photos of a 3 year old and a 6 month old.
Kinley is at that age when telling her to smile creates a facial expression just short of a grimace. It's better to capture her unaware.

Brooke, on the other hand, is often more interested in her toes than the camera lens.
And then there's the whole lighting issue - too much direct sunlight, too many shadows ... so much to think about!
And I could never seem to get the camera angle just right.
Where, oh where, is PhotoShop when you need it? (Thanks to a Facebook friend, I played around with Windows Live Photo Gallery and attempted to "fuse" a couple of photos. It's going to require some more practice, but it was still fun to play with. Thanks, Mary!)
So, we will just have to wait for Emily J Photography's shots. Kim F's Photography did the best she could as an amateur.
And, while we were at it, Jill took a Grandma and Grandpa photo so I could update my Facebook page. Brooke changes so quickly that we should take a new one every time we see them. We are blessed!


  1. Haha! I love the first 2 pics of Kinley! Her stance and facial expression! Come on Grandma, let's get this over with! Hehe! Too cute! Brooke is getting big! So sweet.

    1. Yes, her Mom and I were wondering where that first pose came from! It certainly wasn't coached from either of us. On the second one, she had a stick behind her back - her version of a rocket ship. Never a dull moment!

  2. They are adorable! (And I'm so glad the Bug isn't the only not-so-cooperative three year old when it comes to photos!)

    1. Thanks, Mrs. E! I think it just comes with the age. I remember my kids going through that fake smile stage, too. But we Grandmas keep giving it the old college try, don't we?

  3. I love the last picture! Now you need to send out an Easter card. Looks like you had a beautiful day and natural props for a photo shoot.

    1. It was a gorgeous day! We all enjoyed being outside.
