Friday, January 24, 2025

Celebrating 15 Years on Kim's County Line

February 2024 - the other side of sunrise

A lot has changed in 15 years. There's been a pandemic. Smart phones have gotten smarter. Politics have changed. "Zoom" isn't simply a description of traveling fast, but rather, a way to have meetings with people from your home office or living room. Personally, we've added two granddaughters and a daughter-in-law to our family during those 15 years.

January 21, 2025 sunset

Today, Kim's County Line is celebrating its 15th anniversary. I first pressed the "Publish" button on January 24, 2010. During that time, Kim's County Line has helped me track our lives on a five-generation Central Kansas farm. Having this avenue to collect words and photos has helped me to connect with our heritage and this life in a new way - even though I've been a part of farm life since birth.

January 1, 2025 sunrise

It's also been a "road" to connect with other farm folks like us - and with people far away from the plains of Kansas .


It's been a way to tell our story. It isn't just my story and Randy's. We stand on the shoulders of our ancestors who came to Kansas for the promise of land ownership and a desire to dream big and work hard on the Kansas plains. (More about our family history at these links - Moore family, Neelly family, Fritzemeier family (Click HERE and HERE and HERE and a whole lot more blog posts since 2010). 
Remembering our ancestors seems fitting as we approach Kansas Day next week on January 29, celebrating 164 years since our state joined the Union. 

The subtitle of the blog is Camera Clicks from a Kansas Farm Wife. I've always described its content as the four Fs and a PH - farm, family, faith, food and photography. These days, the "mission" of my blog is probably as cloudy as a frosted windshield. With our retirement from active farming in August 2022, the blog has evolved. I'm still writing, but the frequency and the content have shifted. But that's been happening my whole life. I remember "writing" my first story at a women's church meeting (WSCS) in the basement of the Byers Methodist Church. My mom handed me a little notebook and I scratched out a few words and pictures on the lined sheets of paper. With Kim's County Line, I've substituted my crude hand-drawn illustrations with clicks of the camera shutter. 
January 1, 2025

Yes, the world has changed in 15 years. Most blogs have given way to Instagram and Tiktok and vlogs. Kim's County Line has changed along the way, too. But of all the changes, maybe I've been changed the most of all. It has given me the eyes to see how small, simple things are really the most important things of all. Even the most mundane, everyday things can cause us to pause in wonder. 

It's my 15th blogiversary, but to celebrate, one person will get a gift from me ...

  • a selection of my photo notecards, or ...
  •  a copy of "Count on It! Adventures from a Kansas Farm" my rhyming, farm-themed counting book, ...
  • OR a revamped version of my farm alphabet book

To qualify, either comment about this blog post in the comment section of the blog or on my Facebook page, Kim Moore Fritzemeier. If you use the blog for comments, you'll have to type in your name or it will show "anonymous." Or, if you have trouble with either of those avenues, you may email me at The winner will be chosen at random from the commenters. Enter your comment by Kansas Day - January 29 - for a chance to win.

Again, I thank you - especially the ones who've stuck it out on this rural Kansas county line road for a 15-year adventure. 

UPDATE: Bonnie Claypool is the winner of the blog anniversary prize. Thanks to all for participating! 


  1. Your blog has been a blessing in my life. Virginia Kraus

    1. I'm so glad we are friends, thanks to Master Farm Families!

  2. We look forward to your blogs. From Dad and Mom.

    1. Even if no one else reads, I figure I can count on you two!

  3. Your blog always puts a smile in my day! Gerry H

    1. Thanks, Gerry Ann! A visit to the library does that for me, too!

  4. Judy Fritzemeier. Love reading your blog. It keeps me up with family and friends. Congratulations on 15 years!

    1. Thanks, Judy. I have appreciated your support through the years.

  5. Love you, love your writing and photos! Keep them coming!

    1. I'm glad to continue to connect with you and Richard through social media.

  6. I haved so loved your stories, especially those of farm life!! Anna D Minnis

    1. Thanks, Anna. We took a drive through the baby calves last week, so I'm sure there will be photos to come!

  7. Congratulations on 15 years of blogging! Your photography and stories brighten my day. Thank you for sharing your talents!

    1. Thanks, Lori! I appreciate the kind words.

  8. Congratulations! A lot of blogs have come and gone in that time, it's great to see someone still writing in blogland:) I enjoy the beautiful photos of Kansas rural life too!

    1. Thanks! I've never been a trend setter, so why change that now? Even though it's not the trendy way to connect any longer, the format works for me, and I appreciate readers like you.

  9. Your photography is as interesting and pleasing as your writings. Makes me remember your column in the Hutch News which was “The Newspaper” of south central and southwest Kansas! I still have several recipes that were in your newspaper column and always enjoy reading today online; a lovely friendship across the miles that began at Kstate!

    1. Isn't it hard to look at The Hutchinson News these days? I guess all newspapers have changed, but this change just hits closer to home. I'm thankful for so many friendships and connections throughout my lifetime!

  10. A big hello from Down Under as we celebrate Australia Day. I loved following your farm life but am now thrilled to join you on your travels.

    1. As I have mentioned before, Chalista McCoy Moore and J.T. Moore were my maternal great-grandparents. Their daughter, Mabel Mattie Marie (Moore) Anderson was my maternal grandmother. 🤗

    2. @ Helen - I'm so glad to have a friend across the miles. Thanks for being one of my most dependable commenters!

      @ Alice Kay - It's been fun to make connections with ties from many different directions - family, Stafford, etc.

  11. What a wonderful thing to say! Thank you!

  12. its been fun to keep up with your family. As you know, I'm still on the farm and wouldn't want to live any place else. I;ve known you several years - all those piano lessons! - and this is an easy way for me to keep track of you and yours. Dorothy
