Sing along now:
There's snow business
Like snow business
Like snow business, I know!
This amalgamation of the Irving Berlin tune rattled around in my head like the trailer rattled over snowy roads yesterday morning. Our earlier rains - 14 inches in a month - and the recent snows have slowed the timing of our annual ritual of moving cattle home from summer pastures. But we moved a group of 25 mamas to the pasture south of our house Monday morning.
Last Friday, we had a brisk morning for a visit from Dr. Figger as he preg-checked and vaccinated the 26 cows. (One was open - or not pregnant - so she had a chauffeur-escorted drive to the sale barn Monday afternoon.)
Hey, 696! Your eartag ruined my perfect line of sparkling snow.
Aw, well! I must remember my priorities!

It kept my mind off my freezing fingers and toes.
The bulls probably wondered why they were arriving at this snow-covered pasture. But, never fear: A big bale of hay had already been delivered for their rural Meals on Wheels.
And the surroundings were pretty spectacular.
I guess I wasn't too cold.
Ice on those remaining fall leaves was like icing on a decorated cake.
Even those leaves that had given up their hold on the branches were beautiful underfoot.
You'd think I would have had enough of the cold. But we braved frigid temperatures and an 11 AM start of the K-State vs. KU football game on Saturday.
It took me until we got to Hutchinson (2 hours after our departure) to thaw out! So I guess I really can't complain about the cold this morning as we gather pairs at the Ninnescah Pasture, then sort them and bring them home. Right? I'll try and remember that! It's going to be a long day, I'm afraid!
Wow Kim! What a marvellous collection of photos of this, no doubt, annoying snow fall. Just love that you made time to take and then share. I hope today's transfer goes smoothly.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pictures, Kim! I can only guess how cold it was doing all those preg checks and moving heifers. I hear a lot about the constant wind in Kansas. Brrr... Moving heifers is NOT one of my favorite jobs, but you guys probably have a good system for it! ;)
ReplyDeleteYou take such lovely photos! The one of the mail box with the view of your house in the background would make a really nice postcard for winter greetings. Hope today's gathering goes smoothly!
ReplyDeleteThanks to all of you for your faithful comments. It's been a long week. Today, the veterinarian comes for a much longer session after we've had two days of moving cattle through mud. (More to come on that but not today! He will vaccinate the calves that were born last winter - around 100 - and he'll preg-check another 60 cows. And I'm feeding everyone lunch in the middle of it all. I'm thankful for a slow cooker!