Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laiden with happiness and tears.
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laiden with happiness and tears.
The song in "The Fiddler on the Roof" is really about your kids growing up. And while I can certainly relate to those sentiments with my baby's 22nd birthday fast approaching next month, today the song is just about sunrise and sunset.
The sun was sneaky this morning. The newspaper said sunrise would be at 6:58. I was out at the silo right on time.
And I waited. And I waited some more. The clouds knew the sun was up, but the horizon was a little slow getting the memo.

In the meantime, Randy came out and wanted some help moving mamas and babies from the corral to a small field of wheat. As they chewed the tender green wheat, it sounded like the bovine version of the snap, crackle and pop of a popular breakfast cereal.
And the sun finally made an appearance.

It lit up the silo like a solid rocket booster.

Another beautiful Kansas sunrise: Mission accomplished!
I was out trying to capture the day because I'd experienced the sunset last night. As I arrived home from a track meet in Stafford, I hurried across the road to record the ending of the day.
It wasn't really a day to be celebrated. The theme for the day was wind, wind and more wind.
With eyes filled with the grit and grime of the day, I bid adieu as the sun slipped lower ...

And lower ...

You gotta love life on the County Line.
Beautiful!! Just beautiful!