Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Snap, Crackle, Pop: Wordless Wednesday

I caught a couple of droplets falling from the icicles in this shot.
The icicles looked like those old-fashioned Christmas lights, adding a holiday ambiance to a wintry scene.
We had modern art after we put a letter in the mailbox.
But those icicles became missiles yesterday morning, when the sun shone and the temperature climbed. It sounded like a war zone as ice hit the roof and the awnings. But it was better than the branches themselves.
On Monday, the berries on the shrub mimicked the lights on the Christmas tree through the window.

Inside the house, it looked like Christmas. Outside, a Thanksgiving pumpkin entrapped in ice still celebrated autumn, and the fall flag still rustled in the wind.

Online, I saw beautiful photos of the season's last roses and daises cloaked in ice. I had to settle for the subtle yellow of a shrub's leaves and a stalwart weed that didn't bend to the weight of the ice.
Walking across the ice-covered ground reminded me of the snap, crackle and pop of a certain well-advertised breakfast cereal.
Thankfully, the cattle stayed in their pastures. Even those kept in place by electric fence didn't venture from their appointed settings.

Just like a little makeup enhances our features, a little sun would have made these photos shine. But the melting started before the sun arrived. Timing is everything.
(None of the photos I tried yesterday morning while dodging falling ice were worth sharing. Some days are like that!)


  1. Your photos are beautiful, Kim! Diamond-encrusted bling on everything! And such well-behaved cattle! They stayed where they should.

    1. Yes, we were happy not to chase cattle on the slick roads!

  2. lovely.
    Global Bahçe -

    1. Thanks for visiting and taking time to comment!
