Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Rerun

Life is often a rerun. I make dinner. I make supper. I clean. I do the laundry. I run after parts. I write. I work.

And I do it all again the next day. And the day after that. And so the story goes.

I also walk. Day after day after day. I walk or exercise an hour a day, six days a week. Most of the time, the walk is up and down the dirt roads near the County Line. If it's muddy or icy or too hot or cold, I may walk on the basement treadmill or cue up a Leslie Sansone DVD.

But last week, I had a chance to retrace my steps on a walk in Oklahoma City. We had visited there in March for K-State's appearance in the NCAA basketball tournament. This past weekend, we were back for a wedding.

I was excited to again use the walking trails at Lake Hefner. Randy was ready for another go at the public golf course there.

I love the scenery around my own house. But it's always fun to look at the world a little differently.

This was one of the "crowd" favorites of the photos I took in March at Lake Hefner. So I wanted to recreate the scene during my August walk.

The sun was probably in the wrong place to get a totally accurate "rerun," but it was still fun to compare the same tree, five months down the road.

The only water I typically see on my morning jaunts is the occasional mud puddle. So it was definitely a change of pace to watch sailboats gliding on Lake Hefner ...

Or see the beautiful green of the trees reflected in the waters of a nearby creek.

It was different to see a marina of boats dotting the landscape, instead of tractors and pickups rambling down a dirt road.

The ducks were floating along on sun-kissed water instead of flying high above me as they take off from Quivira National Wildlife Refuge near the County Line.

I wasn't the only one who enjoyed the change of pace. Most of the time, Randy plays golf on the Stafford course. But Saturday, he played the Hefner Golf Club.

I kept looking for him as I walked, but I couldn't see him, even with his K-State purple in the midst of Oklahoma Red Country.

Best of all, even with the water hazards and the water in the lake, he didn't lose a single ball.

(You can kind of see the lake in the background of this photo.)

Even with all our extracurricular activities, we cleaned up pretty well and made it to the wedding on time.

And even though it's fun to see some different scenery, I'm never sorry to turn back into the driveway at the County Line. Home. Reruns are OK with me.


  1. That is so true. Most of our lives are reruns. I'm ok with that, too! It is fun to cover our paths once again!

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