It was the home of my ancestors. The membership rolls include the names of many of my family members, including my great-great-grandfather/grandmother, Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Moore, who joined with my Dad's Dad, Lester Moore, at Christmas time in 1924 ...

... and the names of my mother and her sister Merlene in 1949 (albeit with my mom's name misspelled).

The Byers United Methodist Church was my church home for the first 15 years of my life.

The Byers UMC is where I sang my first solo, a 6-year-old's rendition of Jesus Loves Me. That first solo has led to dozens of special music offerings in the ensuing years. But it all started at the Byers UMC church piano, among friends and neighbors.

And on the other side of the aisle, we always sat in the vicinity of the Shelby Neelly Family pew. Last Sunday, I insisted we move to that side of the church because it just "felt" right.

"As it was in the beginning
Is now and ever SHALL BE."
(It could sound like SHELBY to little ears, right?)
It's where my Grandma always had butter rum and wild cherry Lifesavers for wiggly kids. And her hankies could magically transform into a sleeping baby.
It's where I went to Sunday School, most often taught by my Mom or my Grandma. The Cherry Mash box still held the crayons, though I suppose new ones were added as the next generation of children came to Sunday School.

At the Byers UMC, we trick-or-treated for UNICEF. We had our little UNICEF milk cartons to collect change at the same time we collected homemade popcorn balls and Halloween candies.

It's where we put our birthday money in a white plastic birthday cake during opening exercises. And we dropped our offering coins in a white, steepled church. Another worshiper and I looked in closets and in drawers last Sunday, searching for those cheap plastic memories. We only found this wooden imitation. Maybe other children have a memory of sticking their offering in its wooden slot.
Vacation Bible School meant cherry Kool-Aid served from this pitcher.

Blessed be the name of God, whose Word has long been proclaimed within this hallowed place.
We give you thanks, O God.
As generations have prayed theirs prayers and sung your praises here, your Spirit has blessed countless worshipers.
We give you thanks, O God.
From within these walls, many have gone out to serve You in the world.
We give you thanks, O God.
As we go now from this house into a further journey of faith,
We give you thanks, O God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
We give you thanks, O God.
As generations have prayed theirs prayers and sung your praises here, your Spirit has blessed countless worshipers.
We give you thanks, O God.
From within these walls, many have gone out to serve You in the world.
We give you thanks, O God.
As we go now from this house into a further journey of faith,
We give you thanks, O God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Kim--What a wonderful presentation of a great starting place for a lifetime.We had lots of fun during Sunday School and VBS, and I do remember the "Trick or Treat for UNICEF" nights as we all piled into cars and drove from farmhouse to farmhouse! There was the tiny room under the eave that we used for the young people's Sunday School room, and yes, I remember your grandmother as one of my teachers there. For such a small community we seemed to have a lot of people there when we were so young! I don't remember the names of all the pastors but it was Rev. Bland when I confirmed. Mom always made sure we were there on Sunday morning... something we did with our children as they were growing up...in another small Methodist Church. Take care..and I look forward to seeing what others have to say... Ron
ReplyDeleteHi Ron -- It was so good to hear from you and read your remembrances, too. The room under the eaves is a storage area now, but I peeked my head in to look. The room in the NE corner off the sanctuary is another Sunday School room I remember as a young teen, but it was now used for storage too. (That's where I found the box of candles for candlelight services). Climbing into cars for the trick-or-treat trip was a favorite memory for me, too. Do you remember the year I dressed up as a computer? It is hard to stuff a cardboard box in the back seat of a car! We are fortunate to have been part of the Byers community. It was so great to hear from you!