You remember a couple of days ago when I hoped those would be the last photos of winter from the County Line.
I lied.
You see, the sun came out, and the ice was glistening. And I couldn't help myself. It was just too beautiful to resist.
So, I bundled up, yet again, and ventured outside. I can't wear gloves and manipulate the camera the way I want. But I think frozen fingers and feet are a small price to pay. I mean, come on! Look at the sun glistening off the icicle. I wish I were a poet. I think there's a poem there somewhere.

I love digital photography. I clicked and snapped and clicked some more before I finally captured just the right combination of blue sky and glistening, hooked icicle precariously clinging to the evergreen branch. I trudged back to the house to get a cooler to stand on. I stood on the porch and tried to review the images out of the bright sunlight which obscured my camera's viewfinder. But it wasn't until I loaded the photos onto the computer that I discovered I had finally gotten the shot of the day. (I haven't counted the "duds," but they were worth it in the end!)
As I told one of my friends who has a fledgling 4-H photographer, it's certainly less costly to let your young photo fiend snap the camera when it doesn't result in hundreds of out-of-focus photos cluttering the house. If the photo doesn't measure up, you can just delete it or never print it. Most of Brent's 4-H photography career was in the 35mm film days. And while he certainly got his share of beautiful photographs, we have the evidence of a lot of behind-the-scenes flops.
Even my daughter in Omaha has to admit these are pretty photos, right Jill? Even on the 90th day of snow on the ground in the frozen north (really!)

Even if she's never seen the patio of the house they just bought because of all that snow.

Even if the sun began melting the sheet of ice covering our country road, and I questioned whether or not my car was going to be caught in the mire (See my post from several days ago revealing the condition of the DRY road, and then just imagine the mess it is today! I seriously questioned whether I was going to have to call and tell the choir director that I had been unavoidably detained by mud! Who gives you a note for THAT?!)

Yes, we're all tired of the ice and the snow. But you have to admit: It sure can make some pretty photos!
I'm ready for spring.