Randy found her shivering in the cold when he went to check cows yesterday afternoon. It's quite a shock to the system to leave the warm confines of mom and end up in 20-degree temperatures.
So, this little beauty got wrapped up in red (perfect for Valentine's Day!) and she made the rest of the rounds with Randy. Besides the blanket and the heater going full blast, she got a taste of warm milk via the bottle before going back to the pasture to find her mom.
All is well. When Randy checked cattle last night, she was up taking a swig from Mom. So I guess her excursion didn't prevent any bonding.
She was the latest in a series of four-legged passengers who have been getting special treatment here on the County Line during the recent cold and snowy weather.
On second thought, maybe I SHOULD be worried about the recent passengers. I have to ride in the pickup for 6 hours today as we go to Omaha to help Jill and Eric move. Ah, the smell of baby calf and wet blankets.
Randy says he has sprinkled a little carpet freshener in the pickup cab. It gives a whole new meaning to the "eau-de-toilette" on fancy perfume bottles!
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