Farmers would try to send them on their way by honking their horns and making more drivebys than a police cruiser trying to clean up a shady neighborhood. But about as soon as farmers moseyed on down the road to the next location, the geese circled back for another taste of tender green wheat.
While hunters might have enjoyed the influx of geese in Central Kansas, wheat farmers prefer the feathered beasts find their buffet elsewhere, since they can eat a young wheat field to bare ground faster than a teenage boy and his friends can plow through a bag of chips.
But along with the geese, we had some more unusual visitors to our farm. A group of six larger birds also came to call. They weren't too sociable. Like a shy junior high girl at a middle school dance, they tended to stay away from the crowd. (And since I don't have fancy camera equipment, the photos aren't the best, but I still wanted to share a glimpse of our unusual visitors.)

By the time thousands of geese arrived at the same field, the mystery birds moved north a field, keeping to themselves.

Tundra swans? This mild Kansas winter hasn't provided much snow or ice. They should have gotten the invitation last year, when we had plenty of white stuff to make them feel at home.
But, instead, they came this year and stayed for three weeks or so before exiting with as little fanfare as they arrived.

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