"Nobody has to make a whole pie."
Perhaps it seems a bit misleading for an apple pie making day to be "advertised" in that manner. After all, why have an apple pie day if not to make apple pies?
Truth is, nobody has to make an apple pie alone. Bazaar workdays illustrate the maxim: "Many hands make light work."
Previous pie making experience is not required. And here is the proof.

It was poetic justice, in a way. Since Stafford UMC is his childhood church, he's eaten his share of UMW Apple Pies though the years. His mom was a mover and shaker when it came to bazaar doings. He seemed to become the mascot for the ladies peeling apples.
Fellowship Hall is aptly named on apple pie making day. The conservation flows as freely as discarded apple peels from 3 bushels of apples.
There are stations for all the needed steps: apple peeling, apple chopping, cinnamon-sugar application and butter dotting.
There's the pie crust mixer, the pie crust rollers and the finishing crew.

After all, I was the least experienced person there (if you don't count Randy).

So come buy a pie. Or buy some pints of apple butter. Or buy some of the cookies, quick breads, cinnamon rolls and crescent rolls I've spent the last three days baking. The bazaar is from 9 AM to 2 PM Saturday, November 12, at the church basement.
These ladies know how to make chicken and noodles, too.
There's a lot of talented cooks in this very experienced crew!. I can vouch that the lady wearing the quilted jacket to the right in your top photo makes excellent pies since I've been eating hers all my life! Wishing you all a very successful bazaar!