I was probably not the best candidate for the job.
Yes, as a child, I took American Red Cross swimming lessons at the Pratt Municipal Swimming Pool. My mom carpooled with other farm moms and transported us to summer swimming lessons for a couple of weeks each summer.
However, going to swimming lessons does not a swimmer make. More than once, I did not collect my little billfold-sized card and lapel pin denoting another Red Cross swimming level had been achieved.
I tried. I really did. But I just wasn't all that good at it.
If I recall correctly, I was a repeat customer in Level 4 Stroke Improvement and Level 5 Stroke Refinement. I'm not sure I ever made it to Level 6 Swimming and Skill Proficiency.
I think part of the problem was the lack of additional practice time. We sometimes got to go to the swimming pool just for fun. But summertime is busy on the farm, and it's not like we could ride our bikes to town.
On our way to the pasture yesterday morning, I asked for a little clarification about my role.
"Are you really expecting me to rescue you? I didn't make it as far as the lifesaving courses," I told my hubby.
And he replied: "No, you can just call for help."
Well, that really inspired tons of confidence. Number 1, the cell phone reception is not that dependable in the boonies. And second, even if I could describe where we were to potential rescuers, it would take way too long for help to arrive.
The fence needed to be rebuilt because high water levels had wiped it out. In the photo below, you can see the debris caught on the wire fence. The debris had pulled the wire under the surface of the water.

OK, OK ... I'm paying attention. I really am.
As it turns out, my services were not required - at least when it came to lifesaving. I guess I was a lifesaver in a way because I delivered the wire cutters and a piece of wire, saving my farmer several steps.

And, as usual, I was stellar company. If I do say so myself.

Thanks for keeping him safe!!
ReplyDeleteYou make me laugh!! A tad bit attention deficit disorder?! We are such kindred spirits!
ReplyDeletePS. My girls asked Grandpa why he was always building fence, "Do they just walk away or something?" Farmer's daughters, they aren't?!